Congregation Beth Ohr

About Us

From its founding by Rabbi Michael Roth, Congregation Beth Ohr has always been a place of joy and innovation. We call ourselves a “Post Denominational” synagogue because we are not tied to one set of understandings of Jewish tradition and freely embrace what we consider the beautiful core of Jewish beliefs.
We are led by Rabbi Jason Mann MD, MPH, a Jewish Renewal Rabbi, and our Cantorial Soloist Andrew Henry. Together, they weave uplifting music and teachings from many sources along with their gentle and positive energy that encourage an atmosphere of study and reflection. Rabbi Jason’s vision of Beth Ohr is that everyone who joins us brings something special and that each of us play an important part in making Beth Ohr an accepting and loving Jewish community.
Rabbi Jason and Cantor Andrew always find new ways to illuminate the great beauty and truth in Jewish tradition and prayer that can speak to the needs of 21st century Jews. Many of us come to services for different reasons. We have found that whatever they are, our atmosphere of discovery and sharing historical, current, and personal interpretations of Jewish heritage, whether intellectual, expressive, or spiritual, bind us together.
Our prayer services and teachings are focused on allowing everyone easy and meaningful access to Jewish communal life and identity. Many of our prayers are sung in English. When we offer prayers in Hebrew, we accompany them with transliterations and English translations.
We hope you will join us as together, we bring joy, compassion, and wisdom into our lives and into our world.

After completing 30 years of medical practice as a Hematologist and Oncologist, Rabbi Jason began to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a rabbi. This led to his ordination as a Spiritual Director in 2017 and to Rabbinic Ordination in 2018 by The Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal.
Since his ordination, Rabbi Jason has spent his time teaching a
weekly Torah class, leading services when needed at his local
synagogue Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center, and providing spiritual direction to those seeking to deepen their connection to their Jewish lives.
As a Spiritual Leader Rabbi Jason’s goal is to share the experience of connecting to the mind and heart-opening possibilities of the beauty, love, and wisdom of Jewish prayer and ritual, where he finds so much meaning and joy. When he envisions leading services at Beth Ohr, he is inspired by these words from the Prophet Isaiah, “I will bring them to My holy mountain and let them rejoice in My house of prayer..... For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”
Rabbi Jason is blessed to share his life with his beloved wife Bhavani (Belle), his children and his grandchildren who live locally and in New York City.
To learn more about Rabbi Jason please check out his website rabbijasonmannmd.com

Serving as Congregation Beth Ohr's Cantorial Soloist since 2016, Cantor Andrew has led religious services in the San Fernando Valley for more than 15 years. He has an extensive knowledge of Jewish musical liturgy and a soaring tenor voice with which he moves comfortably between traditional chants, modern prayer settings, and songs by well-known composers such as Debbie Friedman, Craig Taubman and Leonard Cohen.
He gives full credit for everything he knows - Jewishly and musically - to his beloved wife, Rabbi Shana Chandler Leon, but claims all the mistakes for his own.
Andrew is a live-stream consultant for multiple Jewish communities across California, guest Cantor for Congregation
Ner Tamid of San Francisco, and creative consultant on his wife's brilliant Purim Shpiels.
He is the proud father of two amazing sons, who have been pressed into service to run the tech for many a Shabbat program. He also owns far more guitars than his wife thinks is necessary.
Click here to hear some of the Cantor’s Leonard Cohen concert.